I'm having my tubes tied on Friday.
DISCLAIMER! If reading about my ladybits makes you uncomfortable, look away! (DAD!) Go read Food Lush or something.
Ok, you asked for it.
Ever since learning we wouldn't be able to have more children last year, Marcus and I have spent countless hours discussing our family-planning options. The big V, IUDs and many other things came up, but I ultimately decided, not that long ago, that I want to get my tubes tied. Before I (or anyone else) could talk myself out of it, I called my OBGYN and talked with the nurse. That was last Monday. She offered me a surgery slot last Thursday. Seeing how we'd need to arrange childcare and the like, we put it off until this week.
This decision was both incredibly difficult and very easy to make. Over the past few months, I have truly come to be at peace with the fact that I can't have another baby. It still sucks, but I can live with it. What I can't live with is the slap-in-the-face of having to use various forms of birth control. (I'm serious, Dad, go away.) Hormonal methods are not an option for me, as they could interfere with my kidney function or my blood pressure, so it was to be IUD, snippity snip or party hats for us from here on out.
No, thanks.
I considered a copper IUD (Paragard), but learned that my uterus is retroverted and short-in-stature (like the rest of me), so I would likely "expel" the device. Haunted by visions of an IUD flying across the room and smacking some poor actor in the face during rehearsal was enough to take that option off the table. (Not to mention the extra cramps and bleeding often associated with those. NO WAY.)
I have a pre-op appointment on Wednesday, followed by labwork, where they'll likely have to jab me in the hand to get the blood they need. (I have AWFUL veins.) Assuming that all goes well, I go in bright and early Friday morning, have my surgery, then come home the very same day. Our buddy Mia is moving in to help take care of Dean for as long as we need her to over the weekend and I intend to take it extremely easy until I feel like I can handle things on my own again. The timing is great--I go back to work in mid-December, and by then I'll be all healed up and ready to climb the countless flights of stairs from my office in the basement to the rehearsal halls on the main floor.
I have to tell you, and I know I've said it before, I have the best blog friends. I shared this news with a couple of my close blogging girl friends last week and they graciously volunteered to take over the site on Friday to keep you updated. Christy will be my point-person, giving real-time updates as she's able. Frema will be throwing support my way from Indiana while surfing the internet to research locations for a future blog friends getaway because MY MERCY do we need it.
Molly convinced me to have two people on board for updates. Here's her take on things:
I would like to be your person in the event that you fly the coop prior to hospital check-in. "Jen could have had her tubes tied," I will report to your readers, "but instead she is eating string cheese...with a tabby cat...named Santiago...in Mexico."
So there you have it. Check back on Friday for updates. If you hear from Christy, it means all went well and I'm recovering nicely. If you hear from Molly....who knows. Shannan will update the Twitter universe.
You should also know that Christy thinks I planned my surgery for November so I'd have good blog fodder for NaBloPoMo. The truth? The world may never know.
Also, feel free to ask me questions. The main reason I chose to share this with you all is because it will likely help someone at some point. So ask away! (And thanks for caring.)
** The only thing I do ask is that if you're a "real-life" friend (especially if you live in Montevallo) that you keep this info to yourself. I don't need all my husband's students asking him how my tubal went. :)
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