I love rare weekends like this one when no one really has to be anywhere or do anything. The only thing we HAD to do this weekend was karate on Saturday morning, but that was over by 9:20, and by 9:45, Dean and I were back in our PJs eating pancakes while Marcus went out fishing. I've been under the weather this week, so I desperately needed a day to be still and do nothing. That's hard for me, but I made myself do it. I spent way too much time looking at screens, yes, but I also gave my body a crucial break. Not a single load of laundry got done. I did make chili in the crockpot, but that was easy. We snacked our way through the afternoon, enjoying fresh apples, cider, candy, and cheese. I splurged and drank an extra cup of coffee, but I also got in my 96 oz. of water. We all snuggled on the couch and watched a silly movie together. We flipped between football games. Dean and I made a Thanksgiving dinner for his plush toys out of construction paper, and he told us all the story of the first Thanksgiving about 30 times. We finally convinced him that Marcus was not on the Mayflower. We read a lot. While we do have our fill of screens, we also live surrounded by books. Dean is taking a real interst in story pictures, which they do in school a lot, so we spent some time drawing his versions of his favorite stories.
Today, we slept late, which for us means 7:00. Dean got up and went straight down to the family room, while Marcus got to work making sausage and biscuits in the kitchen. I relaxed in bed for an extra 15 minutes, which felt like the greatest luxury. We enjoyed breakfast together (Dean calls breakfast sausage "little hamburgers"), then spent some more time drawing adn chatting. Marcus went fishing while Dean and I played games and watched game shows. We all went to the grocery store and picked out our Thanksgiving turkey, then treated ourselves to Burger King for lunch. (Oh, the greasy goodness!) I baked cookies and beer bread this afternoon. Dean is playing with his Mario figures and a pair of kitchen tongs. Marcus is watching football and trying to pretend he's not shopping online for a Smart TV.
We need our downtime around here. Our weeks are so busy, what with rehearsals, extra activities, karate, last-minute trips to the store, laundry, and the like. On weekends like this one, we don't set alarms, we don't leave the downstairs light on (because Mommy doesn't have to get up before dawn!), and nobody needs a nightlight. It's glorious.
There are so many things in the coming season to see and do and experience; it's been nice to hole up in our coccoon this weekend before the crazy starts.
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