*I got up at 7:00 this morning to go grocery shopping. I hadn't been able to make time to go this week for one reason or another and ye olde food supply was running low. You pretty much have Publix to yourself at 7am, in case you were wondering. I hate shopping for just me. It wasn't so bad before we had Dean, when I'd shop for just my lunches to eat while Marcus was at work or just my dinners for when he might be out of town overnight. But now that I'm used to shopping for a family, I comb the aisle for way too long only to look down at the checkout stand and realize I have a cart full of Coke Zero, pasta and plums. I did make a list this time, which helped a lot. I even did a little menu-planning for myself. For lunch today, I'm making stir-fry chicken with lots of fresh veggies and basmati rice, then for dinner, stuffed shells.
*My perspective has changed a lot where my job is concerned. I don't know if I'm noticing this because I'm working at the place where I did a lot of my training or if it's because I'm older. (My guess? A little of both.) Fortunately, common sense is plentiful and stress is managable. Little things aren't rattling me like they would have ten or even 6 years ago. And while I certainly don't view my work as "just a play," I also know the fate of the world isn't riding on whether or not we make it all the way through act 1 in rehearsal this afternoon.
*Jimmy Dean turkey sausage links are not good. I tried. I gagged. YUCK and a half.
*I have an overwhelming urge to buy shoes. I'm sure it's because I smell spring just around the corner. The problem is that my feet are ti-ny. I wear a 4. I used to wear a 3, but then I had Dean and my feet grew, which now allows me to shop in the "big girl" section, buying a size 5 that I can wear with thick socks or tights. Before any shoe shopping occurs, I need a pedicure. No sense in scaring anyone with wintry toes.
*I woke up with the worst bed head I've had in YEARS yesterday. I forgot my pillows at home when I left Tuesday morning, so I had to sleep on the big squishy pillow at the apartment. I don't know what happened, but when I woke up yesterday, it was like I had a half a bouffant, just on the left side of my head. HOT.
And now, pictures.
Oh, bunny ears. Will you ever be worn correctly?
The satellite stage management office. We have a big office downstairs on the same level as the dressing rooms, but this is our upstairs office, which is located near our rehearsal studios. It's nice to have it there so you don't have to run up and down 4 flights of stairs just to check email or grab a new box of Kleenex.
The Dean Nelson Lane Pantsless Golf Tour....coming soon to a city near you.
Okay, I think you are just mistaken by the turkey sausage. I love those things! As for perspective, I think kids also teach us that things work out fine even if they don't go our way. How many times have we made plans for the day with our kids only to have them completely and utterly change by said kids and still end up great?
As for shopping, I have the urge to buy new things too. The All Kinds of Pretty blog isn't helping. Luckily I need to wait until I have the double stroller to do much shopping...
Posted by: AJU5's Mom | March 25, 2010 at 11:05 AM
I also really like the turkey sausage. I like it too...but it might be because I wrap them in pancakes and dip in syrup...just saying.
Also, I think Tiger has already been on that golf tour.
Ba dum DUM
Posted by: Hotch Potchery | March 25, 2010 at 12:04 PM
Oh my god my feet could eat your feet for breakfast.
I just bought new running shoes which is not nearly as fun as cute shoes purchases but still, I'll take new shoes when and where I can get them.
Posted by: rkmama | March 25, 2010 at 03:01 PM
As for the turkey sausage links, ya gotta brown those puppies in a pan and make 'em crispy. Then you'll LOVE them!
I hope the golf tour is coming to our city! I miss my little boy. And my girl and big boy, too. :)
Posted by: J | March 25, 2010 at 07:04 PM
Okay, I clicked on "bunny ears" and read the post from last year. It's still hilarious, and Dean still looks like a baby instead of a big boy! He's growing up so fast.
Posted by: J | March 25, 2010 at 07:09 PM
Size 4 feet! Squee!!! In a way that must make outlet shopping for shoes easier than it is for us size 7s...it always seems like discounted shoes are in size 4 or size 11 and nothing in between.
And I so hear you on work. Even though what I do is super-important, centre of universe stuff too, I have definitely put it into perspective with age and experience and oh yeah, confidence! Good for you!
Posted by: eva | March 27, 2010 at 12:23 PM
Love love loved this random thoughts post! And of course you know where my attention stayed... shoes!
I didn't know you had such small feet! It must be a pain to find shoes. Luckily at Zappos you can search by size. I just did and there are some lovely styles, including Stuart Weitzman (who knew?) and a pair of adorable t-strap heels by Capezio (which is a dance shoe manufacturer and they are apparently the most comfortable heels ever) on sale for 84 bucks!
Plus hey, you can totally milk this and tell you husband you HAVE to get Stuart Weitzman, because he's one of the few brand that make adult shoes in your size. Make lemonade, I say ;-)
Posted by: Elisa | April 01, 2010 at 03:25 AM